Workplace Gender Differences: Common Misconceptions!

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Some say that women differ from men in their workplace attitudes, priorities, and behaviors. For example, “women are poor negotiators, lack confidence and place a higher priority on their personal life than men do.” These wrongful claims harm both men and women! Studies evaluating gender differences in the workplace find that men and women share the same attitudes and values and there is almost no difference in negotiation styles. One finding holds that men have a slight, but insignificant, negotiating advantage but ambiguity about the study is high. The idea that women lack confidence in comparison to men has also been disputed. Research does not support that women do not ‘speak up’ or advocate for themselves because of a lack of confidence. In fact, research indicates that the only time there is a significant difference in confidence levels between men and women occurs during adolescence! Finally, researchers have found that men and women place an equal level of importance on family and work-life balance. This is shocking since women have always been thought to ‘care more’ about their personal lives than their careers. Current gender differences are typically a product of rhetoric not research! When organizations notice discrepancies between their employees, they should make a conscious effort to find the disconnect. Doing so will allow both men and women an equal chance to succeed in their organization.

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