Hull & Associates,
Dr. Mimi Hull
Training, Speaking, & Consulting
Organizational & Board Development
Conference Presentation & Facilitation

Hull & Associates
Here are a just a few things we handle at Hull & Associates
Some of the services offered at Hull & Associates include: Leadership, Team Building, Management Tools, Understanding Employees, Sales & Customer Services
Everything DiSC creates more effective working relationships. Knowing each other’s behavioral styles can lead to increased productivity because employees who work well together have less stress and reduced conflict.
Topics in team building, leadership, communication, time & stress management, customer/client services, and more, are all covered in my bi-monthly newsletter
Dr. Mimi
Miriam (Mimi) B. Hull, Ph. D., is a fully Licensed Psychologist and a recognized authority in the areas of Team Building, Communication, Leadership, Board Development, Change Management, Strategic Planning, Time and Stress Management, and Personality Insights.
Corporate Training and Assesment, Keynote speaker, and Non-Profit Training and Consulting are just some of the services Dr. Mimi supplies. Click on our service page to learn more and our contact page for more information

Miriam (Dr. Mimi) Hull, Ph. D.
Most Recent Corporate Couch Articles
Here are some of the articles in our newest newsletter for the quarter.
Dear Dr. Mimi – Poor
Dear Dr. Mimi – Improperly Trained
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
E-N-G-A-G-E: How to Engage People During Virtual Meetings
Why You Need DISC Training!!
DISC Behaviors in March: Funny Examples!
Being the New Guy at Work
Dear Dr.Mimi – Follower
Dear Dr.Mimi – Stressed Out
Why Good Workplace Culture Matters!