How to Choose the Right Trainer or Speaker

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There are so many trainers and speakers to choose from. How do you select the best one for your next event?

There are some basic questions you can ask yourself:

· Is the speaker credible and trustworthy? Does he or she have the credentials and experience to deliver a quality presentation? What is their education? Who else have they worked for? Can they do a variety of programs or are they a “one trick pony?”

· Does their message make sense for your audience? Does the trainer take time to learn about your organization? Is the program a customized one or simply the same program done over and over again?

· Do they motivate or better yet, educate your audience? Stories are great but stories without substance are simply entertainment.
We have all been to these events – the speakers are great; they pump us up; we go home and share our enthusiasm with our families; and by time Monday rolls around we have lost the energy and it is business as usual. The message simply wasn’t sustainable. We feel good but we have not added to our repetoire or have anything practical to put into practice.

When choosing a Trainer or Speaker, the real question comes down to… What are the results you desire? In other words, at the end of each engagement, what do you want them to know? How do you want them to feel? and what do you want them to do better or do differently?

Is it worth it to have professional speaker? If you choose them carefully, then absolutely. If you need an engaging speaker or trainer, call us at (407) 628-0669. At Hull & Associates, our programs are always upbeat, interactive and fun, as well as productive and inspiring. No two people or organizations are alike. Therefore, we customize our programs to meet your unique and specific needs.

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